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About Ubuy

There has been an ever-increasing demand for global products worldwide; however, most of the time, consumers are faced with many bottlenecks, such as the non-availability of shipping options to their region or country or the heavy import fee involved, which really makes it difficult for them to get their hands on the product they are eyeing. To overcome the said challenge and enjoy smooth international shipping, Ubuy, an emerging e-commerce platform, has created a one-of-a kind cross-border delivery service. Ubuy has become a one-stop solution for shopping for global brands, irrespective of the country or consumers’ location.

Ubuy is primarily focused on the MENA region, which includes countries such as the UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. The platform is not just restricted to the above locations; however, it is also offering its services globally in countries like Asia, North America, South America, Europe, and Oceania. Ubuy has dedicated region-specific websites to give the best experience to its consumers and streamline the entire shopping process. Ubuy has more than 100 million products to shop from in categories such as beauty, sports, cell phones, travel, electronics, tools, home decor, and many more. The operations have been scaled up in such a way that consumers can access the website smoothly by choosing their region or country and shopping from the vast collection of displayed products relevant to their own location.

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